“Asimenia Ceramics” makes every effort for the absolute validity of the data posted on the website and especially for the registration of products with their full details (prices, technical and quality features, descriptions, photos, etc.), but always under the reservation of any spelling, typographical or other errors resulting from human error or technical defects. In any case, the customer fully reserves the right to withdraw from his order in case of such a substantial error in a product he has ordered.
- All prices listed on the website are in euros.
- All the prices of the products included in the website, are valid only for the purchase of the products in cash and only through the website and not for purchases from our stores.
- In the products that are on the website on offer, only the offer price is valid, without any other additional discount that may be provided on products of the same category.
- Upon receipt and repayment of a product, the corresponding document is issued and delivered to the customer (depending on the method of delivery of the order).
- There is a right to change the product, according to the predefined change policy of the “Asimenia Ceramics” store. You can find out about it by calling 693 764 0227 (local charge from a landline, for calls within Greece). It goes without saying that the change is made for the exact price of the product or products that the customer has paid for the purchase through the website. In any case, in order to make the change, the product and its packaging must be in excellent condition, unused and there must be the corresponding purchase document of the product to be changed.
- The shipping costs of each order are borne by the customer. A detailed description is given in the Service. Immediately after the order, a message is sent with the exact shipping cost of the products. The customer reserves the right to cancel his order, if he deems the shipping cost to be of no interest to him.
- Order cancellation can be done through the customer’s account, through the corresponding prescribed sending procedure. If the order appears in the account as “complete”, but has not yet been received by the customer, then its cancellation can only be done by phone.
- “Asimenia Ceramics”, when processing the first order of a new customer, has the right to make a telephone confirmation of the customer’s details and to request additional details, in case of identification of the details of two customers.
- “Asimenia Ceramics” will delete any account, through which systematic (fake or constantly canceled) orders are systematically registered.
- “Asimenia Ceramics” has the right to modify the prices and terms of use of the website, with the obligation to inform its users of any change through the modification of the relevant elements on the website. It goes without saying that any changes do not apply to orders placed before them.
- “Asimenia Ceramics” does not guarantee the availability of the products available on the website. However, it fully guarantees the timely information of the customers regarding the availability of the products that they have requested in their order.
- “Asimenia Ceramics” is not responsible for any technical problems encountered by visitors and users of the website and are related to the means and infrastructure that visitors and users use to access our website.